
Information provided acc. to Sec. 5 German Telemedia Act (TMG)

Postal address:
entegra eyrich + appel gmbh (limited liability company)
Hertzstraße 28
76275 Ettlingen

Managing directors authorised to represent:
Uwe Appel and Wolfgang Eyrich

Phone: +49 7243 76 24-0
Fax: +49 7243 76 24-99

Registering court:
County Court Mannheim, HRB 361886

VAT id number:
DE 178937517

Responsible for contents acc. to Sec 55 (2) German Interstate Broadcasting Agreement (RstV)
Wolfgang Eyrich, Hertzstraße 28, 76275 Ettlingen

Liability for contents
We compile the contents of our websites with greatest care. However, we cannot guarantee for accuracy, completeness or topicality of the contents. Any liability related to the use of information or the trust in accuracy is excluded, provided that intentional or gross negligent behaviour of the entegra GmbH is not existent.

Liability for links
Our websites contain links to external third party websites on whose contents we do not have any influence and therefore are not liable for those contents. Providers and operators of third party websites alone are responsible for the contents of those websites.

The contents and the structure of our websites are protected by copyright laws. Duplication, editing, distribution and any kind of use outside the scope of the copyright law require our written permission. Downloads and copies are permitted for private use only, not for commercial use.